Ok guys im sure you have seen Lead Evolution software that goes for $4k
and the Lead Portal software that goes for $1500 this guy made this software his name is duncan word is Dr Mike and Brain Koz ripped it from him so now hes giving it away for free you can read more about the story and his rant here http://www.onlineleadfinder.com/ so what does this software do?
search keywords in CL Backpage Kijji scrapes emails tittles and yes it also can mail these leads for you! you have to configure you mail settings ive been using google with no problem there mail settings are
Your Password
This thing is a freaking powwwwwwer house if used right!
Link to Download
BTW I think this software might have been discussed on this board some where in the past how ever im on this guys mailing list and i got word that the software was updated 2-16-09
Ive been killing this thig all morning got 2 projects going right now
Enjoy ImFilez.Blogspot.com!
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