Sunday, September 8, 2013

Emailer V0.1B (Sent Mass Email With Spins And Tags)

Hello guys this is my latest software Emailer v0.1b. This software is meant to mass sent spinned emails with custom tags such as [firstname] (read instructions below) to avoid them being flagged as spam. This is the first version of the software so please post your feedback.

How to use:
1. Fill in the email addresses along with any custom tags you have for each email that can be used.
2. Type in the message and body text. Both the message and body text can be spinned and use the following tags [firstname] [lastname] [email] [info1] and [info2]. The message can be html or plain text
3. Fill in the details of the email account such as Server Host (smtp host), server port,username, password, email, display name
4.Click start and watch it run.

Download: Virustotal (0/42): Enjoy


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