*NOTE* - This bot does not create hotmail accounts.
*NOTE* - This tool requires Java installed on your machine in order to run.
*NOTE* - This bot has master rights so you can use it however you want. Sell it, give it away, use it for opt-in, claim it as your own, whatever ... doesn't matter to me.
This bot does not create hotmail accounts for you. You will need your own list of hotmail accounts to load into the bot. This bot was made to speed up the process of setting the spam email filter override faster. Normally, you would have to login to each account manually and set the new rule to forward your email from your spam box to go into your inbox. This tool will do this for you automatically. Read more about the Junk Email Filter Override here: http://liveunplugged.wordpress.com/2...lter-override/
You simply load the .txt file with your hotmail accounts, then load your proxies, set your thread count and hit start. The bot will login to the accounts and set the rule.
Hotmail accounts should be loaded via .txt file in the following format 1 per line:
address1@hotmail.com:password address2@hotmail.com:password address3@hotmail.com:password Quick Screenshot:
Also, as the bot is running you will notice in the directory it will create a .txt file called "ErrorAccs.txt", these are the accounts that might have failed due to proxy error or any other reason. You can simply import that file back into the software when its done and have it run through those accounts again.
*Quick Note* I have only tested this bot up to 30 threads. I have no idea how stable this bot is at 50, 75 or 100 threads or how much of a resource hog it might be. If you want to stay on the safe side, keep it around 25-35 threads.
I will upload the source code within the next few days so you guys can tweak it or make any adjustments you need in case hotmail changes anything and it needs to be fixed. I will not be updating this to stay current with any hotmail changes, I will be giving the source code so users can do that themselves or hire a coder to fix it for them.
Download Hotmail Bot: (tool requires java to run) Click on the file named "simplebrowser" to open the application
http://adf.ly/VoFg4 VT Scan
https://www.virustotal.com/file/5561785fb249054a3cd2c06466e3e963dbd81c1ef0f8aea67489383b51d88be0/analysis/1342652323/ Source code:
http://adf.ly/VoFg5 Source code VT Scan:
Last edited by s4nt0s; 07-19-2012 at 02:54 PM.
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