Hello guys. I've checked a website on who.is and realised that who.is logo's font is great.
I realised that I may use this font on my next projects on Photoshop and tried to find it.
I asked on Lounge if anyone knows the font name, there was only a reply and it was correct, luckily.
I believe that it is a great font to use, so wanted to share with you.
This font is paid and was hard to find for me, but I did and would be happy to share with you.
Sales Page : http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/schizotype/streetscript/
Download : http://mir.cr/0S94Q27O
Note : I heard that they are trying to get every download link deleted, so I used mirror upload.
Please upload it to another source and add a different mirror link, if you can.
All reps and thanks are appreciated
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